Visualizing Latin America’s Potential

Data visualizations and concise insights about LatAm's economies, markets, businesses, and growth trends.

Check out some of our charts!

Unleash your brand’s potential with data storytelling.

Why Latinometrics?

We are Latin America's #1 data-based publication.

some love from our audience

“I want to hear about Latin America from Latin America NOT U.S. propaganda about Latin America.”Lori

“It provides timely information in a very friendly way.”PH. Sanchez
US Department of State

“I also see Latin America's potential and your posts make me happy AND informed!”M. Zambrano

"Amazing, amazing work. Very proud of you 👏"Freddy Vega
CEO Platzi

"Creo que cada vez lo están haciendo mejor. Les deseo mucho éxito."Pedro Madero
CEO Madero Equipos

"You guys bring lots of digestible info that's interesting, and sometimes relevant to my personal and professional life."Scott Eschenberg

"Congratulations to the whole team ... You and your team have revolutionized statistics in Latin America 📈"Ansoni Alcaraz

"Hacen un gran trabajo, haciendo visible una cara de Latinoamérica que no siempre se vé. Y lo hacen con rigurosidad académica, así que son ya una parte muy valiosa del debate."Alfredo Mordezki
Expert in LATAM Credit Markets

"You guys do interesting, useful, and at times even elegant work. I look forward to seeing what you build. Keep it up."David Dewhurst
Project Manager at DARPA

"Me encanta Latinometrics porque logra sintetizar lo que normalmente sería un extenso análisis de datos en una tabla clara y comprensible para todos. Una herramienta increíble que facilita la interpretación de la información. Muchas gracias por este arduo trabajo y por hacer accesibles estos insights tan valiosos 👍 "Diana Huicochea
Sales Representative

"Felicidades por el gran trabajo y por fomentar cada vez más en Latinoamérica la importancia de no solo tener datos visualizados, si no contar con información precisa y confiable para informar a la mayor cantidad de gente posible. En México cada vez es más relevante el contar con información que refleje la realidad y ustedes son un gran ejemplo de ello. "Fernando Castelo
Senior Supply Chain Specialist

"Antes de Latinometrics el analizar la situación era como tratar de usar un traje que no es de tu talla.Gran trabajo y felicidades por estos años de avances."Andrés Gaona

"Grateful for all the great data and progress you've helped visualize!"Joseph Bouchard

our audience includes leaders from the world’s top companies:

Our articles

Data visualizations and concise insights about LatAm's economies, markets, businesses, and growth trends.

Unleash your brand’s potential with data storytelling

Unleash your brand’s potential with data storytelling

Custom-made campaigns for Latin America’s most engaged and valuable audience.

What we offer

Accelerate brand growth, expand market share, and convert more customers with data-driven narratives.

Newsletter placement

Show your brand, product, or service to 18K+ email subscribers.Estimated reach:

email views

Co-branded charts

We’ll create a chart + data story showcasing your brand and service.Estimated reach:

organic impressions

Collab deep dives

Together, we’ll dive deep into a topic or industry and your organization’s role in it.Estimated reach:

organic impressions

Custom charts

Custom-made, stunning charts to wow your customers and audience.Estimated reach:

brands that told data stories with us

You’ve seen our charts and read our data stories. Now be a part of them.

A little about our audience


We’re well distributed across Latin America and beyond. 62% is in LatAm and 28% mainly in the US and Europe.


Our top industries are Finance, Technology, and Commerce


20% of our followers are Directors, VPs and C-suite executives. We also have more senior-level and Managers than entry-level professionals.

About Latinometrics

We are your your visual guide to understanding Latin America and the region's opportunities.Our mission is to inspire, empower, and connect Latin Americans through data-driven storytelling, filling a crucial void in regional reporting.

Our Values


We see data as a way to seek and tell the truth. We never shy away from telling it how it is.


We strive to find positive stories in the data and see every challenge as an opportunity.


We take data seriously, but not ourselves. We believe in laughter and enjoying life.


We encourage trying new things and embrace change. We maintain a steady flow of ideas.

Partner with us